Free to be

Free to be

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Ho, ho, ho!

December Christmas aka silly season!

Getting in the mood of the general party fever, our youth group decided to have a Christmas party! The theme was Churning of the milk ocean.

Each member had to come dressed as either a demon or a demigod. I was Soma the Moon God.

After a scrumplicious feast we had a diorama of the churning of the milk ocean pastime – lots of paper and sticky flour fun!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Try harder?

I read an article by a devotee who spoke on the importance of not criticising other devotees or even non-devotees. I really liked it and so I wrote to the prabhu that I am inspired to try harder in keeping against the mad elephant offence.

I got an interesting and instructive response, which separates the serious from the regular approach to this offence.

“Yes, because we are conditioned it is sometimes difficult to act the way we know we should or the way we really want to. As in everything we do, our degree of our commitment is what makes the difference between just getting by and excelling. Trying harder is good, but being committed to not offend as far as possible is a step above. I suggest you go for that. How to do that? Just ask yourself what you must do, what you must think, how you must act if you are going to avoid offending. I am sure you know what to do.

And just think how much more Krsna conscious you'll be, and how much happier you'll be if you commit to not offending devotees. “

Do I have the determination and courage to be the serious devotee? I sure hope so.

Friday, December 7, 2007


Remember the smart hotel I’m staying in?

Well, no matter where you stay if there are no devotees around, no access to temples, nobody who understands your way of life, no Krishna prasadam than that is not living.

How do I feel after staying for 4 days in Uganda? Cluster phobic, like I’m being held back, like I can’t be what I wanna be. For the first time I can appreciate how devotees who live far away from temples and devotees are able to maintain their enthusiasm.

Anyway, just 2 more days left.

Interesting point I read, practically every difficulty we face is due to the lack of chanting Krishna’s names with attention and love. If our chanting is perfect our lives will be perfect. In that respect I shouldn’t be feeling the way I feel. If I chanted nicely and read Srila Prabhupada’s books nicely I could bring Krishna consciousness into every aspect of my life, including this smart hotel.

I thank my mum for the small container she sent me containing Soma Papri (especially bought from the foot of Govardhan Hill), my Gurudev for giving me the Holy Name, my self for buying an ipod and Sri Krishna who organised this all so that I may better appreciate the value of friends and family especially those who are devotees of the Lord.

Another realisation, the movies on DSTV suck! :o) I think that is Krishna mercy in keeping me protected from maya devi.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Pearl of Africa

Last Sunday I left comfortable “safe” home to travel to the centre of Africa – Uganda. How did that happen? I was sent from the company I work for on a business trip. Not sure what to expect I packed everything I thought I would possibly need, especially lots of food.

Travelling 3 hours on a business class flight and booking into the best hotel around, I am protected from what Uganda really is. Protected or confined? hmm…

The people of Uganda are extremely polite, respectful, cultured and humble. What stands out most for me is their simplicity. Simple in actions, dress and this indicates the simplicity of their mind. But don’t celebrate too soon. Like the rest of us, Uganda is following the leading nation of world and so this simplicity will turn to arrogance and simple living will turn into a complex rat race.

The first day here we visited a client of ours to do installations and training of the new product we are launching into this country. This product is web based and will eventually be replacing the current CATS system being used. My role is to observe the problems picked up and how the BAs resolve them. Why come all the way here to observe that? I’m still trying to figure that one out.

Anyway the visit to the client was an opportunity to go into Kampala town. Driving in Uganda is similar to that of India: you drive wherever you want. I think India is worse though. The shops vary from being tiny to double story (simple) buildings. The main trade seems to be clothing and material and there are lots of bureau exchange places. The streets are tarred and quite spacious if no motorbikes and cars keep rushing past you. The sidewalks are not paved but just cemented. Even though it is town it is quite hilly even entering the shops you sometimes have to walk up a steep section or climb lots of stairs. The shops aren’t dirty but not exactly speaky clean either. Let’s just say you feel quite comfortable sitting around but you’d think a hundred times before accepting anything edible from the people no matter how friendly.

Yesterday we saw, from the 10th floor of the bank building, a storm brewing. Below the dust lifted of the ground and covered the area with a sandy haze. But it only rained a little and than the sky cleared. One of the other girls showed me pics from her previous trip when it was raining so hard that you could only see the tops of the cars on the road.

The current hot topic in the Uganda newspaper is the disease Ebola that has just broken out in some parts of Uganda. The disease is apparently airborne which means that if we pass an infected area we could get it. The other way it spreads is that if an infected person touches you or coughs or sneezes on you. Yikes! This is what it means to live in the Pearl of Africa. This also rules out any touring we might have had in mind. By the way there is no cure for this disease. Haribol, you all, it’s been great knowing you.

Besides for all that’s been going on in the bank that’s as far I’ve been into Uganda thus far. BUT let me tell you about the “larnie” hotel I’ve been staying in. Better still why not look at the pics.

You like? All I can say is the bank is paying.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sadhu sanga! Sadhu-sanga!

(This is the article I wrote for our temple newsletter)

In soothing candle-lit ambience devotees were welcomed to the Lenasia temple on 26th October to celebrate the first day of Kartik. This is a time to make vows, to deepen our relationship with the Lord and it’s a time of festivities! To remind us of this wonderful time golden maha ropes were given to each devotee with unique messages attached to each of them.

With a host of festivals to look forward to, we were fortunate to spend some of them in the association of HH Partha Sarathi dasa Goswami Maharaja.

Maharaja arrived from Durban on 5th November; several programs were quickly scheduled starting of with a house program at Suraya Matajee’s place. Maharaja spoke from his new book, Journal of a Struggling Sadhaka Volume 6, giving further comments to the realisations described. Soon after, Maharaja attended the Krishna Balarama Youth Group where Maharaja spoke on the value of serving the pure devotee.

Maharaja spent Diwali with Vrshabhanu Prabhu who hosted a festival lighting up the sky with beautiful fireworks. A special Diwali program was also held at the temple with Nrsimhananda Prabhu who spoke on “Following in the footsteps of Bhakta Mortar”

November 10th we celebrated the pastime of Govardhan Hill. A beautiful edible hill was created in the centre of the temple room, at the top of which sat Sri Giriraja Himself. The program started off with melodious kritan, Vridavan style, continuing with a lecture by Maharaja, who then performed an aarti ceremony to Giriraja Govardhan. The program ended of with delicious prasadam which included the halva hill that Sri Giriraja had sat on!

November 14th was the disappearance day of the founder acharya of our movement, HDG AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. Devotees were in a sombre mood as we meditated on the great sacrifice Srila Prabhupada took in giving us Krishna. As senior devotees shared their realisations, the affection and dedication to Srila Prabhupada deepened in everyone’s heart. We were all very fortunate as we had the opportunity to put the actual kurta top of Srila Prabhupada to our heads.

On this auspicious day 4 of our devotees received initiation from HH Bhakti Caitanya Maharaja at the Pretoria temple. Congratulations to Rukmini Priya dasi (Prabha), Shyamarani dasi (Shalona) and Abirama das (Aveshan) on their first initiation and to Dvarikadisa Prabhu on second initiation. We wish you all the very best!

If you think that nothing more could possibly happen in one month, think again! There is nothing like a Ratha Yatra festival and this year’s Lenasia Ratha Yatra festival lived up to every expectation and more.

New deities had especially been made in India and arrived few days before the festival. However They were stuck in customs. On the very day of Ratha Yatra devotees managed to get Lord Jagannatha , Baladev and Subadra devi out of customs. As the pujaris welcomed Them to Johannesburg devotees at the Ratha Yatra site eagerly awaited Their presence. Weighing some 30 kg each Their Lordship’s finally arrived in grand style at the festival site. HH Maha Vishnu Maharaja eagerly urged us to come out and welcome Them with ecstatic kirtan. The Deities are most beautiful; Their glance of mercy fell upon us as we danced in delight.

(chariot decor team)

Sunday morning drew excited crowds near the starting point of the Ratha Yatra procession. HH Bhakti Caitanya Maharaja welcomed all and HH Bhakti Visvambara Madhava Maharaja and HH Maha Vishnu Maharaja led the procession with their customary, jumping kirtan. Onlookers enthusiastically joined in grabbing the cart rope and pulling with all their might.

Arriving at the festival site devotees were in high spirits having difficulty choosing where to go next! Should they watch the deities being taken into the Jaganntha Tent or listen to HH Bhakti Visvambara Madhava Maharaja in the Q&A tent or listen to HH Bhakti Bringa Govinda Maharaja and the Slik Road Bhajan Band on the main stage or chant japa in the japa tent or feed the cows at the cow protection stall or watch the puppet show in the kiddies tent or do some shopping in the boutique stalls or take more prasadam!

Jagannatha Lenasia Ratha Yatra Ki Jai!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Sri Vyasapuja

dasa-gosvaminam vande
yamya-dese guruddesya-
sthapakam srita-vatsalam

"I offer my respectful obeisances to Das Goswami, who helped pioneer the mission of Srila Prabhupada in the southern most tip of the world. He is devoted to bhajan and is caring and affectionate to all those who take shelter of his lotus feet."

Last weekend was the Vyasapuja celebration of my Guru Maharaja, HH Partha Sarathi das Goswami. Maharaja’s actual appearance day is on the 19th of November.

HH Holiness Indradhumna Maharaja attended the festival last year and at that time Maharaja composed the above verse in glorification of Guru Maharaja. This mantra is sweet and describes Maharaja really well - Maharaja is known for the tent campaigns which is how most of devotees in Durban were made; for making chanting his most important activity and also encouraging others to chant with attentions too and probably the most outstanding characteristic of Maharaja is the genuine affection he has for devotees.

This year’s festival for me was one of the best. Maharaja spoke about Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasapuja in1973. It took place in England at the Manor. At that time devotees were not so familiar with what was involved in celebrating vyasapujas and so it was not a very big affair: In the evening the devotees present Prabhupada with a cake and Maharaja remembers how Prabhupada joked that he wanted to build temples not eat them :o)

Thereafter Maharaja spoke on the position of guru, that the guru is a guide and every devotee requires a guide to help them on the path of bhakti. There are different gurus and each one is to be respected.

An important point is that we must feel grateful; gratefulness brings out humility which is the most important characteristic of a devotee. trinad api sunicena… In a humble state of mind one can chant the holy names of the Lord constantly. Grateful not only to your own diksha guru but to any one who helps you in Krishna consciousness.

Friday, October 19, 2007

The Lord of the universe in the heart of Soweto!

(This is the article I wrote for our temple newsletter)

For weeks … no … for months devotees have been waiting for the Soweto Ratha Yatra festival. Every now and then we’d hear snippets of the preparations taking place which would only increase our anticipation. And finally the day came!

From all over South Africa devotees came to witness this historic event. Arriving in bus and car loads we all met at the procession starting point. Imagine the Lord of the universe in the heart of Soweto! As the Lord and Srila Prabhupada were gracefully placed on Their cart bystanders looked on in interest bobbing to the vibes of the kirtan.

The parade began. Searching for a place to grab the rope I couldn’t find any as tiny African hands where everywhere, pulling with all their might. As the chariot made its first turn up a road the atmosphere was thick with excitement. Nowhere have I seen a crowd so willing to join in the festivities. Beautiful African girls were singing sweetly, while moving to the rhythm of the African drums. High flags were being waved about while inside the ropes devotees sang and danced in abandon.

Soweto was transformed to another world. Due to crime many people have reservations about entering this African township; however we found the people of Soweto warm and welcoming. With big smiles people came out of their houses and quickly joined the festival parade.

The procession ended at the festival site where an open air stage was the main attraction while other Q&A, prasadam and book tents surrounded the area. The stage program was a combination of international and local artists. Spanish band Dhira rocked the park while martial art expert Dinadayal Prabhu stunned the audience with his performance. Radha Rae had the little kids dancing and Bongani was a constant thrill with the ladies. The star show, however, was the play conducted by the Soweto devotees under the direction of His Holiness Bhakti Marg Swami.

The next day the Q&A tent was filled with enquiring minds while His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, the organiser and inspiration behind this amazing festival, started off the stage program with sweet kirtan. Another dramatic and instructive play was performed and the festival ended off with the Dhira band, along with the spiritual masters, singing long into the evening while devotees and guests danced and chanted to their hearts content.

All glories to the devotees who put this festival together! It is indeed an event that will be marked in ISKCON South Africa’s history forever.

Soweto, we will see you next year for another awesome festival!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Unexpected Association

This weekend Jaya Pataka Maharaja passed through JHB on route to London.

Maharaja is cool and totally aware of etiquette. For example, Maharaja saw Tulasi devi and so immediately circum-ambulated her. Than the curtains were closed when Maharaja entered, but when the curtains opened Maharaja immediately got up from the vyasasana to offer obeisance. When Maharaja first sat down he also asked his servant for a packet of nuts which Maharaja than handed over to a devotee saying”for the Deities”

You can learn a lot from devotees just by observing them. Souls dedicated to Krishna are the best to observe – it makes you see proper behaviour, how you should behave too. For example one might become callous in taking darshan of Their Lordships but here Maharaja specifically shows that the Deities are persons, such great persons that when They come in to view one should get up to great Them.

The energy emanating from Maharaja, I feel, is unique; Maharaja has the enthusiasm or more the bliss of a new bhakta who finds everything exciting and is so eager to learn and observe more, who is determined to follow all rules carefully. He is also very down to earth wanting to “rub shoulders” with us.

All glories to Srila Jaya Pataka Maharaj, who is a dedicated servant of Srila Prabhupada and is merciful even to wretches like me!

Maharaja flew in on Saturday, did 2 programs and then on Sunday did the Sunday program before leaving for the airport.

Unfortunately we missed Maharaja’s association on Saturday but only because we were celebrating the birthday of an incredibly warm, loving person. Someone who has gently pushed us to Krishna without us even realising it.

This person is none other than my mum, or Ma as we call her. She turned 64 on the 4th of October.

My mum has a heart of gold. Everyday for some 40 years she has been taking care of me and 4 other siblings. My mum’s been through quite a lot in life. First the dark-skinned gutsy child, then the long-legs teenager, the first Indian nurse, first marriage, the loss of her husband and brother and soon after the birth of her first born than second marriage, in-laws!, a less than satisfactory husband, 4 more kids, and this doesn’t cover half of the things Ma’s been through. But the thing that stands out most is her ever loving, ever ready smile and laugh. The protection she gave (and continues to give) to her kids in spite of all odds.

My mum has a heart of gold and it attracts everyone to her. She is not only my mother but practically everyone she meets somehow is drawn to her to come again and again and is quick to call her their mom.

If you wondering if you in the right place (in KC), my mum’s the proof. She’s been through many circumstances and she says nothing is better than THIS! And in this spirit her faith and conviction in Srila Prabhupada, our sweet spiritual masters and Sri Krishna is incredible.

I love you, Ma.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Om Namoooooooooo CAT!

Painted the kids faces for the play, "The Yogi's Dilemma"

Arbor day and paint your mark held 15 Sep

first paint the wall white

then plant a tree

take bunny chow prasadam

then make your mark

Friday, September 28, 2007

Kadamba Kanana Maharaja visits Lenasia Temple

Did he speak anything new?

After Lord Krishna had learnt everything from His teacher Sandipani Muni, Krishna asked His teacher what can He do for him. Sandipani Muni replied that his son had died, Krishna must bring him back. Krishna obliged, Sandipani Muni was very happy and so he gave the benediction to Krishna that, “Let whatever you speak be ever fresh!”

Power of Harinaam

When devotees perform Harinaam on the street the effects are so great that not only are the people who are present while the harinaam is going on lives have changed but actually the entire street changes and anyone else who may walk on that street becomes effected! – I didn’t know that.

By the effects of this Krishna consciousness movement the whole world is changing. We can’t see it but it will become like the Satya yuga, where all the people were hamsa, transcendental personalities. It will be a time where no money will be required, where if you make clothes than you give it out for free, or if you sell fruits than you give the fruits out for free.

In the Vedic culture young girls would not inherit anything but they would have these thick gold bangles so if at any point they required something then they could use that. And no one would touch them. Actually even if there was a lump of gold on the street no one would touch it because it does not belong to them.

Well wisher VS I don’t want the karma

There are 2 levels of being situated in transcendental knowledge. Initially a person will not perform a bad act because they do not want the karma. But a higher level is that a person becomes the well wisher of all then where is the question of causing harm to another. Where is the question of unnecessarily speaking harshly to one?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

In sickness and in health?

The past 4 or 5 days I’ve been down with the flu, and as my health deteriorated the little spiritual practices I do slipped away too. Actually “slipped away” indicates a gradual reduction but it was almost immediate. So much for being steady! It is a clear indication of my level in bhakti – not very high.

I need to become steady – to not become overcome by my circumstances. To chant my 16 rounds come hell or high waters.

Dearest Gokula Taruni, She whom all the young girls of Gokula Worship,

Dear beautiful lady, all glories to your most enchanting form. All glories to your limitless glories which I am too dumb and dull headed to even remember or think about. Dear Srimati Radharani, please show compassion on this most foolish child. O best of worshipers, there is no end to my misfortune. Who knows what lives I’ve been living, somehow this life time I have been given You and Krishna by Srila Prabhupada. My spiritual master takes great pains in trying to help me please you. Each lecture, each letter, each conversation is aimed at trying to make me chant better, with attention, with love. He knows that this will help me because it will give me You. But Radhika, I am so unfortunate, so lacking in love, so lacking in discipline, so lacking in duty that I can not or is it will not listen. A hundred times I have heard the glories of pure chanting but still I will not chant.

Dear sweet Lady, Mother of the universe, please grunt your disobedient child, a life of service. Please grunt me the shakti to please gurudev and Srila Prabhupada. Please bless me to somehow find it in myself the ability to preach. Please Radharani, please help me serve. Please give me some little service to assist in spreading Gauranga’s mission. Please grunt me taste for the holy name.

I am an unworthy child who only wants, wants and wants. But I beg you to please consider these. I want to be a servant of your servants, but I can only be one with your blessings.

Forever begging your mercy,
Sitala dasi

Friday, September 7, 2007

Who else can I take shelter of but you?

This was Srila Giriraja Maharaja’s theme in Maharaja’s offering to Srila Prabhupada. Maharaja’s offering was so sweet and so clearly defined Srila Prabhupada.

The character of Lord Krishna who saw only the maternal affection in the demon witch Putana!


Dearest Srila Prabhupada,

Please forgive me for not writing an offering sooner. I am most ill mannered and uncaring for not making it my most important duty to glorify and thank you.

The truth is I have no words to say what you mean to me.

Sometimes my heart is hard and I can not even remember who you are and can not realise the significance of what you’ve given me. And other times like when I was hearing the beautiful offerings I was thinking “Wow! This is Srila Prabhupada!”

Dear, Srila Prabhupada, as you know recently I have visited New Vrindavan and Gita Nagari. It was incredible and has left me inspired. But it has also left me anxious. All your devotees are serving you with such enthusiasm. Not a moment goes by where they are not thinking of how to advance further and thereby please you. My Lord, I want to please you very, very much. I want to come closer and closer to your lotus feet. I want to be a puppet in your hand guiding me in spreading the mercy of Lord Caitanya.

I know these requests are like a dwarf reaching for the moon; however I have full faith in your mercy and your superb guidance. How else would I be where I am now? If it were not for your causeless mercy no doubt I would still be a quiet bystander to the Hare Krishna Movement.

My dear Srila Prabhupada, please help me develop a spotless character. A character full of compassion, free from greed and envy. This is a tall order however, however painstaking and however long it takes I would like to be a model devotee. Someone for you and Guru Maharaja to be proud off.

Please forgive my multitudes of offences. All glories to your causeless mercy!

Your eternal servant
Sitala devi dasi

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Krishna's brother

(Yesterday in class we heard many wonderful aspects of Sri Douji)

Oh most beautiful of the beautiful!
Sri Baladev, personification of Sri Krishna beauty.

Oh most compassionate of the compassionate!
You, who does not consider offences.

Oh cowherd boy who carries a plow!
Sri Haläyudha, who in transcendental anger, drag cities and rivers.

Oh servant Godhead!
Adi guru, who nicely sets the ‘stage’ for Sri Krishna’s divine appearance.

Oh supremely powerful!
Sri Balabadra, the giver of strength to hold up the sword of knowledge.

Oh elder Brother of the supreme!
Sri Acyutägraja, who by own example, was kicked by the Kesi demon!

Oh beloved of brilliant Revati!
Sri Revati Ramana, the only suitable husband of Srimati Revati.

Oh most transcendentally absorbed!
Sri Nilämbara, whose cloth matches the complexion of beautiful Lord Krishna.

Oh Baladev! Kindly bestow darshan of Your lotus feet to me!
Oh Balarama! Kindly protect me from offences to the Holy Name!
Oh Halayudha! Drag! Drag my mind to your lotus feet, once and than again and again!
Oh Adi Guru! Let me serve! Let me constantly serve the lotus feet of Sri Guru, your dear servants!
Oh Balabadra! Kindly persuade Sri Krishna to bestow transcendental knowledge upon me. And than! Help me! Please help me keep it! Use it! Distribute it!
Oh Acyutagraja! You may know about the weeds in my heart. One is very, very deep. Uprooting which will cause great pain. But having uprooted it how much bliss will it give You? Me? Gurudev? Kindly, oh most kindly, uproot this weed of pride, pratishta, which is very difficult to uproot!
Oh Revati Ramana! I am very found of love stories, kindly bestow upon me the mercy to serve the one who has captured Your heart!
Oh Nilambara! When will my restless mind be steady? When will the object of my devotion be only the Supreme lord and His pure servants? Please, my dear Lord, grant me the favour of pure devotional service!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Excitement? You looking for excitement?!

What could be more exciting than the appearance day to Lord Balarama?

Nityananda of ISKCON Lenasia is especially beautiful. I notice a lot of devotees are very much attracted to Lord Nityananda. I think it’s because we are all slightly mad and so are attracted to the transcendentally mad Nityananda!

Srila Prabhupada said once that if you have some deep spiritual desire you must pray to Lord Nityananda and He will fulfil your desire!

I love the pastimes of Haridas Thakur and Lord Nityananda doing sankirtan together. Like how Lord Nityananda would jump in the ocean and play with crocodiles and how He’d approach the young village ladies asking them to marry Him and than he would run away and old Haridas Thakur would get the flak for it.

I love it! I love it! I love it!


Ever yearn for excitement?
Something out the ordinary that lifts your spirits to where you think that life can just not get any better. Once, having tasted it, one can not be satisfied with anything less.

For a long time now I’ve been feeling that I am wasting my life. After returning from a 3 week trip to India last year this feeling has grown. It resulted in a completely ecstatic trip to America. After returning from that those feelings feel insurmountable.

How to remain in Vrindavan without being in Vrindavan
How to be enthusiastic when 80% of life is spent like a rat on a spinning wheel

These are the arts that I need to learn, that I need to develop. To have complete focus on my goal. To not be so influenced by maya’s so attractive snares that excites you in the beginning but leaves you gumption less at the end.

I need to appreciate the small things in spiritual life.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Srila Prabhupada talks about why we as human beings have better facilities than animals.

Srila Prabhupada says something like,
Animals and humans have economic necessities to fulfil. Animals do this primitively but human beings have more facility to do them. Why do human beings have better facility? Why does a government official have better facility than an ordinary clerk? The answer is simple; the government official has bigger responsibility.

So receiving a human form is a great responsibility and failing to take up the responsibility will result in one once again entering an animal form of life.

The responsibility we have is to re-establish our lost relationship with Krishna. The most effective way to do this is to chant

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sweetness of worship

For the last 2 nights we’ve been attending a Deity worship course.

There is sweetness in serving the Lord’s deity form that I am only now starting to realise and appreciate. Imagine! The Supreme Personality of Godhead is allowing us to dress, bath, put Him to rest! But more than that, He is teaching us that He is a PERSON, someone who will reciprocate with our tiny efforts. Some one who will help us just as a parent or a loving friend will help. He is a person.

Speaking of tiny today I heard Srila Prabhupada say something like, “I think” “My opinion” this is not right. We should always think ourselves very tiny and insignificant and thus what we think has no value. Simply repeat Krishna’s words without adding your own thoughts.

This applies to Deity worship too; the Lord describes exactly how He’d like to be worshiped. And actually is the same as how we’d like to be treated. With respect, with cleanliness, with punctuality. This is another great thing about deity worship it teaches you correct behaviour according to Vedic culture.

I can not thank Guru Maharaja and Srila Prabhupada for giving me these wonderful opportunities! Who would have thought it possible!

All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bhakti Caitanya Maharaja ki jai!

Saturday we celebrated HH Bhakti Caitanya Maharaja’s vyasapuja.
For the first time in years Maharaja was not present in South Africa to shower us with his mercy…actually Maharaja’s mercy could be felt even from such a long distance away. Vyasapuja’s are “feeling” festivals. Devotees express what their spiritual master means to them. Some become so overwhelmed that they can’t even speak.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Not all are the same

Not all “karmis” are like that just that some are more insensitive than the rest.
You can expect that though. But what I struggle with is when do you protest and when do you not?

Like the other day when I was on training, the project involved pricing a leather frame. Some people were jokingly talking about how it should cost more because the cows were slaughtered humanely.

Obviously I couldn’t join in the laughter but do you stand up and openly question their lack of sensitivity? Or just wait for an appropriate moment to gently say what you think? That moment may never come.

It is tough living in a world where the masses are averse to a life of goodness. I can’t hold too much of a grudge against them. Only a few years ago I was in the same situation. Ever think back to the life before Krishna and Prabhupada, ever shake your head and think “How could I have been so insensitive?!” But I was I didn’t think anything was wrong at the time. Even when we met the devotees, it took a long time for the idea to sink in that eating the flesh of animals is not natural at all. It took along time after that to be aware of the feelings of other living beings.

Thank you Srila Prabhupada!

But what now?
Develop the courage to stand up for our fellow living beings.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Yesterday I spent my whole day in a room full of …the K word

No it wasn’t Krishna’s devotees but lost souls.
The contrast. The enthusiasm and hope of a new bhakta. The spite and vengeance of a misguided colleague. The care and compassion of a devi dasi. The power of Mr Manager. Something to think about.