I read an article by a devotee who spoke on the importance of not criticising other devotees or even non-devotees. I really liked it and so I wrote to the prabhu that I am inspired to try harder in keeping against the mad elephant offence.
I got an interesting and instructive response, which separates the serious from the regular approach to this offence.
“Yes, because we are conditioned it is sometimes difficult to act the way we know we should or the way we really want to. As in everything we do, our degree of our commitment is what makes the difference between just getting by and excelling. Trying harder is good, but being committed to not offend as far as possible is a step above. I suggest you go for that. How to do that? Just ask yourself what you must do, what you must think, how you must act if you are going to avoid offending. I am sure you know what to do.
And just think how much more Krsna conscious you'll be, and how much happier you'll be if you commit to not offending devotees. “
Do I have the determination and courage to be the serious devotee? I sure hope so.