Free to be

Free to be

Thursday, February 23, 2017

8 years later but i'm back!

Wow I can’t believe that the last time I blogged was 8 YEARS AGO! My gosh, to me it seems just a few years since those happy days but time has certainly flown by and my life has completely changed! I so miss my care free single days…all that time… endless, endless time to think and introspect and to… frankly… do whatever the hell I liked!! Lol.

Anyway let me catch you up…

As always it has to do with a guy… I got to know my husband from about 2010…awesome guy! We got married in 2012, had our one and only child in 2014 and 3 years since here I am!

Well marriage is one thing… your life gets a little topsy-turvy but child bearing…another world altogether! Well in my case anyway. It took me a good few months almost a year to adjust to having this beautiful life in front of me for every minute of my time and being completely and utterly controlled by her. The biggest lesson I am learning is selflessness …I’ve gotta long way to go yet. But its getting easier perhaps it is because I am getting more time for introspection as appose to just tending from one need to another until exhaustions takes over! Shew! Being a mum is no joke but you do have a sense of wonder that how such an incredible being came from you. It’s a beautiful miracle.

Krishna is kind to me despite my consistent shortcomings I pray He brings me closer and closer to His lotus feet which are the only place where I will ever be truly and wholly happy. My life is His I just need to make my every thought and deed show that. 

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