Free to be

Free to be

Friday, May 23, 2008


As if South Africa doesn’t have enough violence…

Since last week or so they have been xenophobia attacks in Johannesburg. Xenophobia is racial intolerance or a dislike of foreigners. These sudden attacks were apparently brought about by the housing allocations where houses were being allocated to foreigners. Some South Africans thought that this was not right as the government should first look after their own people before accommodating foreigners (from other parts of Africa.) The attacks are so violent – on the news they had footage of a mattress being burnt and as the camera closes in you will see that there is a person on the mattress!

Kali Yuga – now is the time to get out.

I remember reading somewhere, at that time, Kirtananda Maharaja was telling Prabhupada how the government didn’t want foreigners (I think in this case it was Indians from India) coming to stay on the New Vrindavan farm. Srila Prabhupada said that was all nonsense, everything belongs to Krishna.

All of these attacks are a political stunt; these foreigners have been here several years, why are these attacks only happening now?

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