Free to be

Free to be

Monday, November 30, 2009

Riding through on a flatbed truck

Last weekend devotees from far off Newlands, Durban, arrived at our temple to hold a MAHA Food for Life. A mix of young and old… it was inspiring just to look at these devotees. Some of these devotees have been around for really, really long and have such attractive and humble personalities. On Saturday we heard the Srimad Bhagavatam class by Pundarik Vidyanidhi Prabhu…all about service and loyalty to guru. How nice! :o)

On Sunday mum, Sudevi and I joined the devotees in Putfontein for the distribution of the 6 huge pots of biryani that the devotees made early that morning. Putfontein is an African township, driving through bumpy dirt roads, with the help of Satyaki Prabhu we met up with the devotees.

The harinaam started down the road turning off in to an informal settlement with one flatbed truck for the kirtan party and another with the prasadam while the rest of the devotees followed on foot. Following on foot was quite an experience as we trudged through wet, muddy, slippery paths in our slippers!

We had the surprise presence of HH Bhakti Nrsinga Swami who led the kirtan. If there is one thing African people like its dancing! I don’t think devotees have ever been here before and the people were filled with deep appreciation for the prasadam being served. As we were going along different devotees were handing out small maha mantra cards and personally teaching people how to chant. So amazing!! All glories to these devotees!

Before long we were going deeper into the settlement which meant muddier paths and more intoxicated people..eek! :o) the devotees insisted that Sudevi and I get on to the truck for our safety. Looking at each other our thoughts were mirrored in each others faces – how are we going to get on to such a high truck?! Well that was quickly solved by one Prabhu simply lifting my up and putting me on while another assisted Sudevi up. Sitting on the prasadam truck (our saris completed soiled!) was really nice… young African kids got up on to the bus as well and we could hear them singing the maha mantra off the cards :o)

All glories to the Lords sweet Holy names! All glories to the assembled devotees! All glories to Krishna prasadam!

All glories all glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

How are we to meditate?

Jaya Jagannatha Jaya Jagganatha Jaya Syamasundar Jaya Jagannatha!
Jaya Baladeva Jaya Baladeva Jaya Rohininandan Jaya Baladev!
Jaya Subadra Jaya Subadra Jaya Yoga Maya Jaya Subadra!
Jaya Jagganatha Jaya Jagganatha Jaya Baladeva Jaya Subadra!

Lenasia Ratha Yatra is less than a month away and to inspire us in our service to the Lord of the universe HG Govardhan Prabhu gave the Sunday Program class. During the introductory kirtan Prabhu sang the above and it was reeeeally sweet! Jai Jagannatha!

Prabhu is an ocean of transcendental knowledge and gently rebuked us for not knowing so many important things. How are we to meditate on the Lord and His devotees if we don’t know these things? Knowledge truly is power if we listen, read and absorb carefully how much more potent will our sadhana and remembrance of the Lord will be.

Prabhu read a letter of an old class mate of Jayananda Prabhu who came to Durban South Africa at the same time that the Ratha Yatra took place. So much this person learnt of his old friend and how much inspiration the devotees got from meeting a friend of Jayananada Prabhu.

A truly inspiring class where I wish to go deeper in my Krishna Consciousness. I beg the Lord to kindly guide me in the process of Krishna consciousness…it is the only important thing in the world and everything else must compliment that. Please my dear Lord, I am blind and have no sense of what is wrong and what is right you please, please guide this poor fool in the proper direction. The pure service to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga is the core of my desires; please don’t let my material desires and circumstances take that away!

Jai Jagannath! Jai Baladev! Jai Subadra!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Guru Maharaja oh Guru Maharaja!

It is my supreme good fortune that I have a sister who about once every year hosts my Guru Maharaja at her place. This time Maharaja stayed for 5 days and I off course couldn’t miss out and so took leave to assist in serving my beloved spiritual master. I pray to the Lord to always grant me these little drops of nectar. My heart is steel framed and I have a long way to go in my relationship with Gurudev but I thank the Lord for these truly rare gifts and pray that I may somehow or the other always have such opportunities!

Maharaja conducted a program at the Krishna Balarama Youth Group on Thursday night and since it was the disappearance day of Srila Gaura Kisore das Babaji Maharaja, Maharaja spoke on him. Describing his life of a grhasta and how when his wife died he took it as the Lords arrangement and immediately went to Vrindavana where he roamed the pastime places of Krishna for 30 years! Srila Gaura Kisore das Babaji Maharaja then went to Mayapur and thereafter would spend 6 months in Vrindavan and 6 months in Mayapur. Guru Maharaja described the house of Bhaktivinode Thakur and how Srila Gaura Kisore das Babaji Maharaja used to spend a lot of time there as well. Gurudev spoke of his own visit to Bhaktivinode Thakur’s house and how he managed to get in without anyone seeing him and how so many things in the house just “fell” into his hands while he was there :o)) Maharaja also described how he swam across the Jalangi to get to Godruma dvipa where Bhaktivinode Thakur’s house is situated. Maharaja didn’t want to get his clothes wet so he took them out held it above the water in one hand and swam with the other way all across using the other hand. Maharaja is really funny when he tells these experiences. :o)

On Friday night Maharaja conducted the program at the South Peacock Bhakti Vrksha Group at Paresh Prabhu’s place. It was a really nice program where Maharaja spoke about how one can practice Krishna consciousness perfectly in the grhasta ashram if the family does four things: chant, offering ones food to Krishna, discussing scripture and deity worship. Maharaja read a section from the Bhagavat Gita 13:8, purport, where Srila Prabhupada is describing that it is natural to have affection for family memeberes and if they are favourable to your devotional service that is ok if they are not then it is better to be detached from them.

On Saturday night Maharaja did the program at Priya Malini’s place in Midrand, that was also very nice although I can not remember exactly what was spoken. Maharaja really liked the tune Gaura Prabhu sang at the youth group on Thursday night so he asked him to sing it again. It is a reeeeeally sweet tune where you can actually chant quite prayerfully.

On Sunday Maharaja gave 1st and 2nd initiation to some 30 devotees! The names given were really, really nice! We are so lucky Maharaja sacrifices so much to connect us to the Srila Prabhupada. Actually Maharaja’s health is going down again :o( and he said that if he does not give initiation now when he gets back from his travels his health will be in an even worse condition so rather he give now. The mercy of the spiritual masters is really incredible! Please let us not make Maharaja regret giving us these sublime gifts!

On Monday Maharaja had a “break” recovering from Sunday and on Tuesday Maharaja left for India! ...oh Guru Maharaja oh Guru Maharaja when oh when will I develop real love for you? When will I be spontaneously engaged in your service with mind, body and heart at every moment? When will I be so in tune with you that I will feel your presence at every moment? Guru Maharaja with your mercy the impossible can become possible. Jai Guru dev!