Free to be

Free to be

Friday, October 19, 2007

The Lord of the universe in the heart of Soweto!

(This is the article I wrote for our temple newsletter)

For weeks … no … for months devotees have been waiting for the Soweto Ratha Yatra festival. Every now and then we’d hear snippets of the preparations taking place which would only increase our anticipation. And finally the day came!

From all over South Africa devotees came to witness this historic event. Arriving in bus and car loads we all met at the procession starting point. Imagine the Lord of the universe in the heart of Soweto! As the Lord and Srila Prabhupada were gracefully placed on Their cart bystanders looked on in interest bobbing to the vibes of the kirtan.

The parade began. Searching for a place to grab the rope I couldn’t find any as tiny African hands where everywhere, pulling with all their might. As the chariot made its first turn up a road the atmosphere was thick with excitement. Nowhere have I seen a crowd so willing to join in the festivities. Beautiful African girls were singing sweetly, while moving to the rhythm of the African drums. High flags were being waved about while inside the ropes devotees sang and danced in abandon.

Soweto was transformed to another world. Due to crime many people have reservations about entering this African township; however we found the people of Soweto warm and welcoming. With big smiles people came out of their houses and quickly joined the festival parade.

The procession ended at the festival site where an open air stage was the main attraction while other Q&A, prasadam and book tents surrounded the area. The stage program was a combination of international and local artists. Spanish band Dhira rocked the park while martial art expert Dinadayal Prabhu stunned the audience with his performance. Radha Rae had the little kids dancing and Bongani was a constant thrill with the ladies. The star show, however, was the play conducted by the Soweto devotees under the direction of His Holiness Bhakti Marg Swami.

The next day the Q&A tent was filled with enquiring minds while His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, the organiser and inspiration behind this amazing festival, started off the stage program with sweet kirtan. Another dramatic and instructive play was performed and the festival ended off with the Dhira band, along with the spiritual masters, singing long into the evening while devotees and guests danced and chanted to their hearts content.

All glories to the devotees who put this festival together! It is indeed an event that will be marked in ISKCON South Africa’s history forever.

Soweto, we will see you next year for another awesome festival!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Unexpected Association

This weekend Jaya Pataka Maharaja passed through JHB on route to London.

Maharaja is cool and totally aware of etiquette. For example, Maharaja saw Tulasi devi and so immediately circum-ambulated her. Than the curtains were closed when Maharaja entered, but when the curtains opened Maharaja immediately got up from the vyasasana to offer obeisance. When Maharaja first sat down he also asked his servant for a packet of nuts which Maharaja than handed over to a devotee saying”for the Deities”

You can learn a lot from devotees just by observing them. Souls dedicated to Krishna are the best to observe – it makes you see proper behaviour, how you should behave too. For example one might become callous in taking darshan of Their Lordships but here Maharaja specifically shows that the Deities are persons, such great persons that when They come in to view one should get up to great Them.

The energy emanating from Maharaja, I feel, is unique; Maharaja has the enthusiasm or more the bliss of a new bhakta who finds everything exciting and is so eager to learn and observe more, who is determined to follow all rules carefully. He is also very down to earth wanting to “rub shoulders” with us.

All glories to Srila Jaya Pataka Maharaj, who is a dedicated servant of Srila Prabhupada and is merciful even to wretches like me!

Maharaja flew in on Saturday, did 2 programs and then on Sunday did the Sunday program before leaving for the airport.

Unfortunately we missed Maharaja’s association on Saturday but only because we were celebrating the birthday of an incredibly warm, loving person. Someone who has gently pushed us to Krishna without us even realising it.

This person is none other than my mum, or Ma as we call her. She turned 64 on the 4th of October.

My mum has a heart of gold. Everyday for some 40 years she has been taking care of me and 4 other siblings. My mum’s been through quite a lot in life. First the dark-skinned gutsy child, then the long-legs teenager, the first Indian nurse, first marriage, the loss of her husband and brother and soon after the birth of her first born than second marriage, in-laws!, a less than satisfactory husband, 4 more kids, and this doesn’t cover half of the things Ma’s been through. But the thing that stands out most is her ever loving, ever ready smile and laugh. The protection she gave (and continues to give) to her kids in spite of all odds.

My mum has a heart of gold and it attracts everyone to her. She is not only my mother but practically everyone she meets somehow is drawn to her to come again and again and is quick to call her their mom.

If you wondering if you in the right place (in KC), my mum’s the proof. She’s been through many circumstances and she says nothing is better than THIS! And in this spirit her faith and conviction in Srila Prabhupada, our sweet spiritual masters and Sri Krishna is incredible.

I love you, Ma.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Om Namoooooooooo CAT!

Painted the kids faces for the play, "The Yogi's Dilemma"

Arbor day and paint your mark held 15 Sep

first paint the wall white

then plant a tree

take bunny chow prasadam

then make your mark